Self Healing

I was recently asked how I discovered self healing. The simple answer was that I tried and failed over and over again with all the things until I felt the change I desired.

Like most of us, I was invested in healing in my early adulthood to avoid pain. I looked outside of myself, I tried all the therapies, the doctors, shamans, and lifestyle changes one could make in a healing journey. Many of them helped. Many did not.

When I was at the height of my postpartum PTSD, my motivation for healing was to be a better mother, to be more present and of course to stop the pain. After I experienced a few rounds of Body Code, I could see and feel the light. The pain was less and I was able to receive the wisdom that my motivation for healing needed an upgrade. I began to explore how my approach might shift if I gave myself permission to desire healing because I deserve it. Because all beings deserve healing. I was not the exception.

What I found in my 40's that I didn't have access to in my 20's was the deep knowing that healing was actually my birth right. Not something that happens to a lucky few that find the right supplement or can afford the right Healer. And that healing takes place in the body, not the conscious mind. WHAT!... For a psychologist this took some rearraigning!!! Symptoms like physical pain, anxiety, depression, cravings anger, and dis-ease are actually the body's invitation to be with some transformative process. When we meet the body's invitation with love and acceptance magic happens We heal

What will you do with that invitation?

Reject it? 

Ignore it? 

Stuff it down? 

Welcome it? 

Be with it? 

Accept it?

Below are a few steps to learn to be with your body when it invites you IN.

  • Make space to slow down and be with the body

  • Place a hand over the sensation and breath into that area of the body Allow what is to BE without judgment, making it bad or wrong

  • Be curious

  • Return back to meeting the sensation with your breath when the mind begins to tell a story.

You deserve it.


Slowing Down To Receive


My Biggest Lesson from the Akashic Records